AmigaOS3.5 (715/967)

Date:22 May 2000 at 10:36:08
Subject:Re:Bug Fix & USA Amiga support!

Thanks for such a quick reply, BUT do I need the FIRST bug fix, BOING BAG?
I have a Power Tower 4000s, BUT, I have run OUT of ribbon cables for the
internal LS-120, CD-Rom & Zip drives! The ONLY buffered I/O interface is for
an A1200, please help! A FULL width ribbon cable is needed for all 3 drives,
BUT, there is ONLY ONE connector for each size ribbon cable on the
motherboard! What do I need to buy & how much is it? Where & what does the
Power Flyer 4000 plug into?
Where can I get IDEFix Express, Envoy 3 or SAMBA here in the USA, we do NOT
have as much good Amiga support here as you do in the UK & the EC, Thanks!

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